
Friday, 10 November -Turk & Caicos Islands

 Our after-breakfast circuit of the Promenade Deck featured impressive wind and a beautiful view of the ship’s wake. We’re still feeling significant motion even though the waves don’t look very high. We docked at Grand Turk, next to Carnival Magic,

whose 4000 passengers were already ashore. After grabbing a quick lunch on board we walked into the pier area and registered for our tour, then had a few minutes to check out the shops. Nothing there of interest except a fridge magnet. 

We boarded an open-air bus for an island tour. The history and current situation of the island are interesting, and there is evidence of many significant events, such as the fight against slavery and the defeat of Russian attempts at dominance during the Cuban Missile Crisis. The lighthouse has its own history and is very scenic. After visiting many highlights, we disembarked at a beach with a local bar. We swam, visited with others and enjoyed an hour of relaxation, then returned to the ship. We had our usual Friday evening zoom family visit, then went to dinner, where we enjoyed the company of another couple from Arizona and a single guy from Alberta. And of course a great meal. 

Then the piano bar for awhile, and to bed. Clocks spring forward tonight.

All Photos Nov 10


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Tuesday, 7 November - South Caribbean Cruise

  We left home at 12:30, since our documents suggested arriving at the airport 3 hours before departure. It looked for a bit as if that migh...