
Wednesday, 8 November - Joining the Eurodam


A so-so breakfast at the hotel and a walk around the area, then repacking for boarding. A quick trip in the hotel shuttle, brief wait in the waiting area and soon we were at a table aboard the Eurodam, looking out over the Ft. Lauderdale skyline. The room was ready quickly and our luggage arrived shortly afterward. Departure was an hour later than advertised, but soon we were at sea. We had a nice dinner with lots of laughs with 2 other couples, then 60s music trivia and bed. We weren’t stellar at the trivia but there was good sing-along anyway


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Tuesday, 7 November - South Caribbean Cruise

  We left home at 12:30, since our documents suggested arriving at the airport 3 hours before departure. It looked for a bit as if that migh...